101st Kyorugi IRS 115th Kyorugi IRRC and 36th Poomsae IRS 34th Poomsae IRRC

Apr 11, 2018 - Apr 18, 2018 | Referee Seminar | Dakar, Senegal

Please be informed that the WT has decided to held the 101st Kyorugi IR Seminar & the 115th Kyorugi IRRC ,

and  the 36th Poomsae IR Seminar & the 34th Poomsae IRRC in Dakar, Senegal, on April 11-18, 2018.



1. Application form for the 101st Kyorugi IRS & the 36th Poomsae  IRS

2. Application form for the 115th Kyorugi IRRC & the 34th Poomsae  IRRC

3. Application form for Coach (Observer)


Further information, please contact:



