May 24, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting

May 24, 2018 - May 24, 2018 | Board of Directors | Conference Call

A Board of Directors  Meeting will take place on May 24 at 5pm ET - please note the new time and date, apologies for the late change due to scheduling.

The telephone number for the public session of the meeting is below.


Call in #: 866-590-5055 Access Code: 9760372




Open session:

Opening Remarks (Reynolds)

Roll call (McNally)

Consent agenda - confirm prior minutes (Reynolds)

Executive Director report (McNally)

Final report and recommendation(s) of Governance Working Group (Ensminger)

Audit Committee report (Sugawara)

Nominating Committee report (Ekeren)

New business (Reynolds)

Board calendar for remainder of 2018 (McNally)


Executive session