Coronavirus Updates
USA Taekwondo is continuing to monitor the global situation regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19). The top priority for USA Taekwondo is the safety and well-being of all Staff, Athletes, Officials, and participants in Taekwondo events held both in the United States and Internationally.
Updates on the 2020 National Championships, State Championships, and International events will be posted on this page.
We will continue to follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and are working in partnership with World Taekwondo, the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee and local and state public health authorities in order to create a safe environment for all participants.
COVID-19 is a respiratory illness caused by a novel virus in the coronavirus family, first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, Hubei province. For most people, symptoms of COVID-19 are mild and may include fever, fatigue, and cough. The illness is spread person-to-person primarily through respiratory droplets, such as from a cough or sneeze. The virus also appears to be able to survive for a short period of time on surfaces. Illness may occur from touching the surface and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes. The illness most often spreads from close contact (within 6 feet) with someone who is sick. Most people with COVID-19 recover quickly without any special treatment. In some people, especially older persons and those with chronic medical conditions, the symptoms may be severe. Anyone with cough, fever and difficulty breathing should seek medical attention and notify their healthcare team of any recent travel or possible exposure to COVID-19.
Continue to consult the CDC and WHO websites, as well as your local or state health department websites for the most current information regarding COVID-19 activity in your community.
Tips for Athletes, Coaches, Officials, Staff, etc.
- Stay home from practice or competition if you feel sick.
- Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer with 60-90% alcohol when restrooms are unavailable.
- Avoid direct physical contact with others (keep a six-foot distance when possible).
- Bow, Salute, or elbow bump competitors, coaches and referees rather than shaking hands.
- Do not touch your face during a bout or training session.
- Do not share water bottles.
- Do not put your mouth on water fountains.
Tips for Club Owners and Tournament Organizers
- Make sure to have hand sanitizer and tissues in high traffic areas throughout the training or competition space, including near bout committee tables, water dispensers, score tables, etc.
- Wash all shared gear and use sanitizing wipes on gear and equipment in between uses.
- Keep sanitizing wipes near head gear, chest protectors, kicking paddles, and other frequently touched equipment.
- As always, make sure restrooms and locker rooms are properly cleaned on a frequent basis.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces regularly.
The CDC recommends preventative actions regarding respiratory illnesses, including:
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
Questions about traveling in the U.S. - CLICK HERE
For more information on travel click on the link below:
Due to ongoing issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic the 2020 USA Taekwondo National Championships in San Antonio, TX this summer have been canceled in order to protect the health and safety of athletes, coaches and spectators. With the entire world of competitive sport currently paused, and mass gatherings prohibited around the globe it became impossible to host such a major event on the planned timeline.
We would like to thank the state of Texas and our friends in San Antonio and at the Alamodome for their professionalism and understanding in needing to cancel the event. Discussions are already underway to host a National Championships there in the near future.
The USATKD National Championships are by far the largest Taekwondo event in America and we understand athletes, coaches, officials, and families look forward to this tournament, which brings the very best from across the nation together to compete each year. USA Taekwondo remained hopeful that Nationals could still be held, and explored every option, however after speaking with health officials in Texas and Colorado, a final decision was made that it would be impossible to ensure the health and wellbeing of participants and their families at this time.
Finally, discussions were held around simply postponing the event until later in the year, however it was deemed highly unlikely that hosting such a huge event - usually attended by upwards of 10,000 people - would be permitted, or safe, in the current climate, and with the possibility of another wave of infection later in the year.
USA Taekwondo understands the need for and wants to return to producing high quality competitions as soon as it is safe to do so. It is our fervent hope that we will still be able to crown 2020 National Champions in all the divisions and disciplines that we always have, however the health and safety of our participants is our first priority. If it becomes safe and permissible to do so, USA Taekwondo plans to run a series of smaller events designed to reduce the need to travel for participants, and to enable us to implement safety measures such as maintaining social distancing guidelines and protective hygiene.
USA Taekwondo would therefore like to announce plans for ‘The USA Taekwondo 2020 National Championship Series’. The series will consist of 3 qualifying events spread across the country in which athletes will compete to qualify for a Prestigious National Championships Final, at which they will then compete to become the US National Champion.
USA Taekwondo is currently working with cities and venues to hold the 3 qualifying events in September and October and tentatively planning the National Championships Final in November. In hopes that hosting these events later in the year helps reignite high quality Taekwondo competition, and gets us back on the path to dominate in ’28.
Please note this plan is provisional, and will not be confirmed until it is clear that it is permissible and safe to return to competition. Venues, dates, and detailed schedules will be confirmed at that time. We will also endeavor to create a schedule for school age competitors that will minimize disruptions to their schooling. We will continue to provide regular updates during this process.
We hope that you all are keeping safe and healthy, and we can’t wait to welcome you all back to competition. Keep training, stay positive and we will get through this challenging time.
More Information:
As the State Championship season was decimated by the virus, the vast majority of athletes have not had a chance to qualify. As the intent is to reduce the size of events for safety reasons it no longer remains possible to qualify all athletes who either competed in one of the small number of states that took place before the virus struck or who live in a state where their State Championship was cancelled. However, athletes who qualified for the now cancelled National Championships through competing at a State Championship will be accommodated in this process - more details will be published if and when the new program is confirmed.
Medalists only from each championship qualifier will gain entry into the National Championships final. This will enable a smaller, safer National Championship final and reduce the number of people needing to travel. All divisions and disciplines normally included in Nationals will be included in this process.
We are working closely with State Championship organizers on necessary postponements and cancellations.
Click Here to see what state championships have been postponed or cancelled.
• 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. (Postponed - which will be moved to no later than summer 2021)
• 2020 Presidents Cup - Spokane, Washington (Cancelled)
• 2020 Pan Am Championships - Heredia, Costa Rica (Cancelled)
• 2020 Pan Am Open - Heredia, Costa Rica (Cancelled)
• 2020 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships. (Cancelled)
Visit the World Taekwondo Simply Compete Website or CLICK HERE to see what other International Taekwondo Events have been postponed or cancelled.
- 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games Officially postponed to 2021
- World Health Organization - COVID-19 Updates and links for: Protect yourself, Q&A, Travel advice, Situation reports, Media Resources, Technical Guidance, Global Research. Many video links on how to wash hands properly, when to where a mask, what to do if you are sick.
- CDC - COVID-19 Main page - Travel, Communities, Businesses, Health Departments, Laboratories.
- CDC - What do you do if you are sick?
- TEAM USA - COVID-19 Updates
- U.S. Department of State - Information on international travel guidelines, including travel to the Olympic and Paralympic Games
- Department of Health and Human Services - Notice of Arrival Restrictions Due to Coronavirus
- Information for Para Athletes and IPC Members Regarding Coronavirus
- IOC Executive Board Statement on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020